A phobia is an irrational fear of something. That "something" may be an object, an animal, a place, a situation, an activity, or certain persons. IF you can't control this fear a psychologist may diagnose you as suffering from an anxiety problem. The list of available phobias is so extensive that you are always likely to find one that fits you. For example, if you can't stand to look at the photo above, you may suffer from "aracnophobia" (fear of spiders). "Technophobia" is the fear of technology, "agoraphobia" is the fear of crowded places from which it is difficult to escape, and "aviophobia" is a fear of flying. Apparently the Spanish pop singer Melendi gave that as an excuse for his aggressive conduct during a flight, but I'm sure the fact that he was drunk didn't help either. The phobia with the longest name is "hexakosioihexekontahexaphobia", or "fear of the number 666". I guess it takes all kinds!
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